Walton Ave 

South Harrow 


HA2 8QU 

Events, Activities, Calendar


The Church is open for Worship on Sundays

All Welcome



Services for September

Sunday 8th  

11.00 am 

Holy Communion celebrated by the Revd Julie King  

Sunday 15th  

11.00 am 

Morning Worship led by Ms Helen Schoon

Sunday 22nd 

11.00 am 

Morning Worship led by the Worship leaders 

Sunday 29th 

11.00 am

Morning Worship led by Dr Joy Barrow

Services for October:

Sunday 6th 

11.00 am 

Morning Worship led by Ms Cath Wells

Sunday 13th 

11.00 am  

Harvest Festival and Holy Communion celebrated by the Revd Julie King 

Sunday 20th

10.30 am  

 Morning Worship at North Harrow MC

Sunday 27th 

11.00 am  

Morning Worship led by a Worship Leader

Our regular weekly activities:



'Engage' in prayer on Zoom



Bible Study and Fellowship 

Forthcoming Special events: 

Church Groups:  

Prayer Group

The 'Engage' Prayer Group meets by Zoom every Tuesday during term times from  7.00pm. The group prays for the church community and for any matters that are brought to their attention.  Contact Catherine for more information.

Messy Church

Messy Church will take place  as announced, for special occasions.


Other groups meeting on the premises:

Roxmead Nursery meets every day during term time, 9.00 - 3.00. To contact them call 07946 593470.

The Lorna Clark School of Dance meets on the premises on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons during normal term time.

Harrow Harmony rehearse in the church on Friday evenings, 7.45 pm

The Seventh Day Adventists meet on Saturdays at 12.00.